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Small Business Branding Tips: Online Reputation Management

Online Reputation Management and BrandingIn today's world, your online reputation IS your reputation. Are you taking steps to safeguard it -- both personally and professionally?

Is There A Problem With My Online Reputation?

Know What People Are Saying. The first step in a 12-step program is to admit you have a problem. With online reputation management you have to see what people are saying before you know if there's a problem you need to acknowledge.

Search for your company and key personnel on Google and other search engines. Do the same thing within the more popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram. And don't forget to look for images as well as text or video.

How Do I Fix My Online Reputation "Problem"?

Houston, we have a problem. Now what? Yes, you should respond -- but don't be too ready to click submit. You want to react quickly, but politely, and you want to address criticism. You may even want to invite others to comment. The key is to be as forthright as possible and let people know they're being heard.

Here's a list of questions you may want to ask yourself as you think about how to manage your company's online reputation and also a guide to avoiding reputation problems and how to react when they present themselves.


P.S. If you're looking for a little help, our strategic marketing consulting is designed to show you the online marketing strategies that help keep the customers you have while generating more and better leads. That process begins when we improve search engine ranking, devise the best social media campaigns, develop your app and put other mobile and online marketing strategies to work for your business.

Topics: Small Business

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