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Small Business Branding: Provide Solutions And Prepare For The Worst

Even if they don't use the word "brand" smart business owners instinctively know that they need to control their message to customers — and potential customers.

Branding your business is about providing solutions and being prepared.Over the past couple of weeks we've seen a valiant branding effort by both political parties via the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. A recent post speaks to their degree of success (or not) but what I'd like to share with you are the two truths of message control mentioned by this author that also apply to branding your business:

  1. Sales are about promises and solutions, spelled out specifically. As a local business owner you must understand the most painful problems or greatest pleasures experienced by your customers and clearly convey to them how your product or service will eliminate or reduce that pain or deliver the pleasure. It's that simple — and that difficult.
  2. Controlling brand is also about preparing for interference. Put another way, expect the unexpected and have a clear plan of action to implement if the worst happens. In that sense we should all be Boy Scouts — always prepared — but more than that. We should always be prepared for any contingency.

Any business owner that adheres to these two simple truths will have gone a long way toward controlling their brand — and growing their business!


P.S. If you're looking for a little help, our strategic marketing consulting is designed to show you the strategies that help keep the customers you have while generating more and better leads. That process begins when we improve search engine ranking, devise the best social media campaigns and put other mobile and online marketing strategies to work for your business.


Topics: Small Business