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Differentiate Your Business With Great Customer Service

Posted by Deborah Young on Nov 19, 2012 4:10:00 AM

If you own a business you should read this blog post that talks about a great customer experience in a hair salon. Pretty mundane stuff, but it's an excellent example of the value of a great customer experience and a reminder of 5 broad concepts:

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Topics: Small Business

Small Business Branding: Provide Solutions And Prepare For The Worst

Posted by Deborah Young on Sep 8, 2012 5:43:00 AM

Even if they don't use the word "brand" smart business owners instinctively know that they need to control their message to customers — and potential customers.

Over the past couple of weeks we've seen a valiant branding effort by both political parties via the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. A recent post speaks to their degree of success (or not) but what I'd like to share with you are the two truths of message control

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Topics: Small Business

How Do Blogs Fit Into A Strategic Online Marketing Solution?

Posted by Deborah Young on Mar 31, 2011 2:34:00 AM

"You've gotta have a blog" seems to be a standard refrain when you talk to anyone about marketing your business online. Generally speaking, it's sound advice. But has your marketing consultant ever explained WHY it's a good idea?

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Topics: Blog Marketing, Search Engine Optimization

Win With Measurable Online Marketing Solutions

Posted by Deborah Young on Mar 3, 2011 6:41:00 AM

In today's economy the online marketing solution goals most businesses should have at the top of their list are:

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Topics: Online Marketing

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