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Tips for Avoiding Online Spam

Posted by Thia Hamilton on Aug 21, 2024 4:06:43 PM

Enhancing your digital security against unwanted spam messages is crucial for protecting your personal information and maintaining a safe online environment. This guide will help you understand different types of spam and provide strategies to combat each of them most effectively.

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How HubSpot Can Supercharge Your Local Business

Posted by admin on Jun 3, 2024 5:16:03 PM

When you’re running a local business, the challenge often lies in juggling many aspects of customer relationships, lead generation, and marketing. This is precisely where HubSpot can help business owners bring it all together. It’s not our usual practice to laud one platform over another, but we’d like to share some of the reasons why we consider HubSpot to be an excellent solution for local service-based businesses. 

As an all-in-one CRM and marketing tool, HubSpot provides the necessary capabilities to centralize your business operations. Here's how you can make HubSpot the heartbeat of your business management and marketing campaigns.

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Topics: Blog Marketing, Local Search Optimization, Lead Generation, Local business success, blogging

How Google's Helpful Content Algorithm Benefits Local Service Providers

Posted by Thia Hamilton on Mar 8, 2024 1:17:58 PM

As a local service provider who wants to attract more business (who doesn't?), you have a powerful new tool at your disposal. Google's Helpful Content Algorithm helps local businesses establish themselves as authoritative figures in their community. This sophisticated algorithm rewards local service providers who create content that genuinely addresses users' needs, such as insightful blog posts tailored to the queries of their local community. Creating relevant content can help you build your authority and generate more leads with enhanced visibility on Google.

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Topics: Online Reputation Management, Blog Marketing, Local Search Optimization, Online Advertising, Small Business, Search Engine Optimization, Online Marketing, buyers journey, blogging

Optimizing Your Website for the Buyer's Journey

Posted by Thia Hamilton on Feb 16, 2024 12:18:24 AM

A website is the digital face of your business, guiding potential customers through all the phases of their buyer’s journey, from research to decision making. This journey typically unfolds in three stages: Awareness, Consideration, and Decision. Aligning your website with these crucial stages can help you turn more visitors into customers.

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Topics: Online Reputation Management, Local Search Optimization, Online Advertising, Small Business, Search Engine Optimization, Online Marketing, buyers journey

How Blog Management and SEO Strategies Build Your Online Presence

Posted by Thia Hamilton on Sep 3, 2023 1:52:48 AM

As the owner of a local business, you may have considered adding blogging to your marketing plan - and then wondered if it’s worth the effort. Strategically blogging to promote products and services can certainly drive traffic to your website, but more importantly, it is a proven way to help build trust with your potential customers.

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Topics: Online Reputation Management, Local Search Optimization, Online Advertising, Small Business, Search Engine Optimization, Online Marketing

The Importance of a Google Business Profile for Your Local Business

Posted by Thia Hamilton on Jun 20, 2023 1:37:06 PM

Local businesses face immense competition when attempting to capture the attention of potential customers. To succeed, it is crucial for small businesses to leverage every available tool to enhance their online presence. One of the most powerful tools you can use to effectively market your business is your GBP, or Google Business Profile.

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Topics: Online Reputation Management, Local Search Optimization, Online Advertising, Small Business, Search Engine Optimization, Online Marketing

Two Reasons to Keep Up With Local Search Engine Marketing

Posted by Deborah Young on Oct 1, 2013 4:40:00 AM

Have you ever looked up information about a business online (like what days/hours a restaurant is open, for instance), made plans based on that information and arrived at the scene only to discover they're closed because their hours of operation have changed but weren't updated on their local business listing? Or maybe

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Topics: Local Search Optimization

Small Business Branding Tips: Online Reputation Management

Posted by Deborah Young on Aug 6, 2013 4:40:00 AM

In today's world, your online reputation IS your reputation. Are you taking steps to safeguard it -- both personally and professionally?

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Topics: Small Business

The High Cost of Rolling Your Eyes at Social Networks

Posted by Deborah Young on Jul 30, 2013 4:40:00 AM

Do you spend hours every day poring over Facebook posts? Or maybe you spend your day following what's trending on Twitter or posting videos on Instagram? What's that you say? You have a business to manage and don't have time for all that social media marketing nonsense? That, my friend, would be a mistake.

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Topics: Social Media

Mobile Marketing: A Boon for Local Businesses

Posted by Deborah Young on Apr 30, 2013 4:43:00 AM

Using the Internet to market your business still works great but if you're a "local" business serving a specific geographic area mobile marketing is critical. What value can you place on being able to put your business in front of potential customers when they're right around the corner?

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Topics: Mobile Marketing

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